Friday, February 10, 2012

Week in of Friday

The week didn't exactly go as planned. That's not a bad thing, really. This week just didn't go as 'I' had planned!!

Joseph started coughing Sunday evening and by Tuesday he was home from school with fever and strep. Thankfully Kurt was able to stay home. This threw off workout routines since I was up most of the night. It threw off our evening meal prep routine.
Funny thing is, this was part of Gods plan. We really had no intention on going to the marriage conference at church this weekend. It's not that we didn't want to but we couldn't really afford it and with all the prep involved in the meals we needed the weekend to do laundry, shop and prep. Well we stopped and prayed about it and decided that if God could provided funding and childcare we would go. God provided all of that!!! Then when Joseph got sick, it was a blessing in disguise because Kurt was able to get a head start on tidying the house and doing laundry while home with Joseph.

Food: I've really enjoyed most meals. I love cooking and after being scared to cook fish, I've become pretty good and it sounds good. I have not been toyed by food. I've been around be food but I've not been tempted to eat!!!

I wanted to get some thoughts down while they were on my mind. However, I'm falling asleep. I better listen and write more later.

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