Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Cat is Out of the Bag

Well, I did it.  I stood on stage at church and let hundreds and hundreds of people know how much I weigh.  The truth is, it was a freeing experience.  No, really, it was.  I have nothing to hide behind.  I have nowhere else to go but up...well, I mean down on the scale, but up in life!!

So those of you who are following my journey but did not attend Northwood this morning are out of luck on knowing my weight.  Just kidding.  It's seems odd to share this with the whole world via the World Wide Web, but I pray that my journey can help others.  That said, part of my journey is sharing my weight.  In true Biggest Loser fashion... "Your current weight is...beep, beep, beep, beep....316 pounds".

Wait! What?  316 pounds??  Yes, 316 pounds.  I used to say that because I was so tall and 'hid' my weight, I'd never share my actual weight with anybody.  It may be true that I don't look like you would think 316 pounds should look like, but as I always say at work, "Data (Numbers) don't lie, but they don't tell the whole story!!".  How fitting that my mantra at work totally applies to my current situation.  Yes,  it is just a number, but that number says a lot.

That number says,
*Jodi, you are never going to change
*Jodi, you've tried before, what would be different this time
*Jodi, you were meant to be're a tall girl
*Jodi, not everybody can be skinny
*Jodi, why would you want to torture yourself with a diet
*Jodi, it's not like you'll feel any different after you lose weight

But the great thing is this:  I have a God who says much more than that number.
God says,
*Jodi, now is your time for change
*Jodi, there's so much more I have planned for you
*Jodi, you are loved
*Jodi, I need you to do this so you can do My work

This week I have been preparing myself for this public journey and today it began.  Thank you for supporting me and encouraging me.  Stay tuned for more...

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